Ralph The Squirrel
gamer level 2
625 xp
625 xp
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Private eye
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Follow a total of 10 games

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Amateur Reviewer
Review 3 games and receive a total of 40 positive review ratings.
Review 3 games and receive a total of 40 positive review ratings.

Gave My First Grade
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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 1)
295 xp
295 xp
Explorer (lvl 1)
194 xp
194 xp
Professor (lvl 0)
5 xp
5 xp
Reporter (lvl 0)
70 xp
70 xp
About Me
Love heavy games like Le Havre and Agricola. I also love games that draw other people into the gaming world. These include The Settlers of Catan, 7 Wonders, Carcassonne, and Dominion. I love games with a lot of options and a lot of components.
7 Wonders: Cities
With 7 Wonders: Cities you get to add not only two new Wonder boards, but an extra card each phase. The new black cards change the strategy quite a bit with their influence on coins throughout the game. Players can now go into debt, which might happen if your coin supply is low when somebody plays a coin loss card. And those debt tokens can’t ever be removed. So you need to figure out how best to manage your coins while still trying to build the best wonder. I loved it!