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Go to the Pathfinder: Core Rulebook page
Go to the Fortune and Glory: The Cliffhanger Game page
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Go to the Pathfinder: Core Rulebook page
57 out of 84 gamers thought this was helpful

As someone who never played D&D, or any other pen and paper RPG, I found Pathfinder very easy to understand and play. I had the help of some folks that had played other RPGs, but their knowledge actually seems to hinder things.

With it’s great set of resources, outstanding society play, and intricate details, Pathfinder is a great gateway game into Pen and Paper RPGs. I bought my first copy as a PDF, and have never looked back. I play several times a month, usually with society play (strangers at the store) or with my core group of gaming friends.

I would recommend Pathfinder to anyone that wanted to try D&D as a kid but never got around to it, or wanted to see what the fun of Pen and Paper RPGs is all about. It was an easy step for me from MMROPGs like Warcraft and EverQuest.

Go to the Uncharted: Board Game page
66 out of 84 gamers thought this was helpful

If I hadn’t just played Fortune and Glory, I probably would have bought this game. For those that enjoy the Tomb Raider genre, and prefer card games over board games, this game would be a lot of fun. Picked it up in about 10 minutes, and was explaining the rules to others in 20. Solid game.

In all fairness, I had to leave the game early, and only got to play one variant of it. It may have a lot of potential, but I didn’t get a chance to explore all the possibilities. Personally, I would have liked it more if it was more retro. The modern times feel/graphics/items didn’t appeal to me as much.

Go to the Fortune and Glory: The Cliffhanger Game page
82 out of 158 gamers thought this was helpful

I sat down at the Flying Frog Demo after circling around for three days, and BOY WAS IT WORTH THE WAIT. Our demonstrator was a character from their “Touch of Evil” game, and her energy and enthusiasm was infectious. I bought the game, and talked it up to everyone at the Con. Then we got drunk on Sunday night, and a group of us played the full version. SO MUCH FUN. Lost my voice a bit, from the excitement. Reccomend to anyone who loves the genre or anything associated with it.

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