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Board Games on kickstarter

Posted by Jim {Power Gamer} | 13-Sep-12 | 27 comments

board and card games on kickstarter

Below is a quick list of some games that are still open for backing. Click on the game names to be taken to their official pages.

If you find a game still open for funding that we aren’t showing below, feel free to add it in the comments!

Gauntlet of Fools
Indie Boards & Cards – Funded

Gamesmith – Funded

Unexploded Cow
Cheapass Games – Funded

Heroes of Metro City
3Some Games – Funded

DungeonCraft: Hero versus Guardian
Studio 9 Games – Funded

Hirelings: The Ascent
Prolific Games – 14 days left

Mantic Games – 17 days left

City of Iron
Red Raven Games – 20 days left

Story Realms
Game Salute – 21 days left

Jungle Ascent
5th Street Games – 24 days left

Damage Report
Break From Reality Games – 24 days left

Mars Needs Mechanics
Nevermore Games – 24 days left

Get Bit! Deluxe Tin Box Set
Mayday Games – 25 days left

To discover more board games on click here

Comments (27)

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Miniature Painter
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Came here looking for a game named 504, oops!

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The single problem with kickstarter is that in time there will be no more game stores where one might hold the product, playtest it, and then overpay for it. But remember- its not just the money payed- its the loss of a gaming haven. We need such places in out communities.
Kickstarter is great- but all the best extras usually come with the sale of the base game. Kickstarter must offer a mediocre package that will not kill the brick and mortar stores and still offer all the neat extra stuff to backers. Perhaps two like value packages at some midrange price point- one with the game and one without, but with all the extra goodies.
The obvious problem with this, is Kickstarter projects may not be fully funded. So this solution may not work at all. But some compromise must be reached soon or we will be losing our local gaming havens…

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I funded The New Science looks like a blast.

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Randy: It’s on my calendar, but not sure I can make it. I’m definitely more interested now… so hope I can.

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My First Heart

It’s hard to keep track of all the new stuff on Kickstarter, so thank you for these handy lists!

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Granny: Are you going to Just A Game Con in Corvallis, Sept. 29-30th? We’ll be there with our prototype. I think that’s the last event we have lined up during the campaign.

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Randy: I go to EGG intermittently. So, let me know when you are. It would be awesome to play some Story Realms if you have a prototype, and you might get some new backers (although not sure there is a game day in the next 14 days.). Nevertheless, I look forward to it!

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Richard: Thanks! And thanks for playtesting it!

Granny: Thank you for being a backer!! I haven’t been going to EGG, though I’m on the email list. I think we’re going to try to make it in the future, though. We have quite a few friends who go, I believe. I would definitely love to play some games with you there!

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I'm a Real Person

Bibelot Games is back on Kickstarter with another set of leather pouch games!

The Midnight Collection is a set of 8 casual and campy games full of monsters and mayhem.

Project ends October 15th!

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Early on there were a few great games on KS (eg, Alien Frontiers), then a bunch of not so great games got funded on the early regret tide (ie. we missed out and are making up for it). Now I get the sense that most of the more independent game companies are funding the games that likely would have been printed anyway, but can make more money this way. Not a major complaint, but I am spending a lot more on my games through KS than I ever did in the store or online. And KS takes 5% away as a fee and Amazon takes another 3% away for credit cards. I’d much rather give that 5%+ to the local B&M game store and support the folks creating these games.

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After just getting to play Zombicide last night with friends who backed that game all the way, I just want to say that this is an amazing way to find games! You get crazy extra things for backing it more, and you feel a sense of ownership and camaraderie that I’ve only otherwise seen with the Cards Against Humanity folks or at conventions.

Good luck, Randy! Story Realms is going to be amazing!

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@Randy Newnham I backed Story Realms the other day. You live just up the road from me. Do you go to EGG? Maybe we can play a few games next time you’re there.

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Mythic Kingdoms Backer 2020
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I’ll definitely keep these articles up. Maybe I’ll try an every-other week or at least once a month… the only problem is as I’m looking for new games on kickstarter I get the itch to back all the cool stuff I find!

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4 Beta 1.0 Tester
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Everything I have funded so far on Kickstarter has been a board game. Please make this column a monthly feature!

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This is a great post! I just did an indieGoGo for a comic book and let me tell you, it means so much to get even a dollar for your dream, so I hope everyone takes the time to donate to a couple of these drives!!

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I am a part of Escapade Games, the design studio responsible for Story Realms and I want to say THANK YOU to Jim for doing this! We really appreciate the support!

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United Kingdom
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I like this as a feature. Please do it again. 🙂

One more I’ve come across:

Plague the Card Game – 4 days to go.

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Mythic Kingdoms Backer 2020
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3v3 looks really cool! I noticed on kickstarter that they have “Curated Pages” where companies can show what projects they’re watching… once this becomes available to the public we’ll definitely be creating a curated page with the games we’re especially excited about on kickstarter!

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I am clearly very biased on this, but I would love to point everyone’s attention towards 3v3: The Commissioned Card Game.

I’m the designer of this game, and one of my backers pointed this site out to me. I’m clearly going to have to spend a lot more time here in the future.

3v3 is a new twist on deck-building card battle games. The basic gameplay involves drawing three cards each round, then picking one card for attack, one card for defense and one card for a special ability. You don’t maintain a resource row or a hand, you just battle it out in a madcap, fast-paced attack.

Commissioned Comic, the webcomic that we’re using as our source material, has been around since 2004 and is rife with bizarre subject matter – ninjas, Cthulhu, nerds, toilets, zombies, gnomes, weretigers, you name it.
And one of our best deals is the Zombie Abnormal.

For $275, you get:
-A card with you as a zombie in every starter set.
-Two copies of the starter
-Two copies of Dwarf, Elf and Weretiger expansion (ships with the starter)
-Two copies of Fantastically Evil expansion (ships with the starter)
-A copy of every other expansion sent automatically to you
-A print of your zombie art
-A certificate of zombie authenticity
-100 Ninja vs. Koala Card sleeves

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Gamer - Level 6
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Awesome idea, and i hope this becomes a weekly fixture. I also cant wait to see “Undead Jungle” on this list in 2 months!

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