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Board Games on kickstarter
I am clearly very biased on this, but I would love to point everyone’s attention towards 3v3: The Commissioned Card Game.
I’m the designer of this game, and one of my backers pointed this site out to me. I’m clearly going to have to spend a lot more time here in the future.
3v3 is a new twist on deck-building card battle games. The basic gameplay involves drawing three cards each round, then picking one card for attack, one card for defense and one card for a special ability. You don’t maintain a resource row or a hand, you just battle it out in a madcap, fast-paced attack.
Commissioned Comic, the webcomic that we’re using as our source material, has been around since 2004 and is rife with bizarre subject matter – ninjas, Cthulhu, nerds, toilets, zombies, gnomes, weretigers, you name it.
And one of our best deals is the Zombie Abnormal.
For $275, you get:
-A card with you as a zombie in every starter set.
-Two copies of the starter
-Two copies of Dwarf, Elf and Weretiger expansion (ships with the starter)
-Two copies of Fantastically Evil expansion (ships with the starter)
-A copy of every other expansion sent automatically to you
-A print of your zombie art
-A certificate of zombie authenticity
-100 Ninja vs. Koala Card sleeves