gamer level 5
5567 xp
5567 xp
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The Bronze Heart
Give 10 Bronze Hearts to games that you like.
Give 10 Bronze Hearts to games that you like.

I Play This One a LOT
Play a specific game 20 times.
Play a specific game 20 times.

I Walk the Talk!
Claim that you have played a game today by clicking the "Played Today!" button on a game page 100 times.
Claim that you have played a game today by clicking the "Played Today!" button on a game page 100 times.

Be loyal to the general Good. Give 25 hearts each to 10 different games.
Be loyal to the general Good. Give 25 hearts each to 10 different games.
Player Stats
Critic (lvl 2)
555 xp
555 xp
Explorer (lvl 2)
473 xp
473 xp
Professor (lvl 2)
388 xp
388 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
172 xp
172 xp
About Me
I love gaming and consider all board games to be brain candy. I like strategy games, euro games and in fact most games I love. I'm married and live in Chicago where I currently work at Starbucks. I'm attending graduate school to become and Elementary school teacher. I hope to use board games in my classroom as a great way to learn math and important social skills. I'm also working on developing a board game slowly with a friend, maybe within the next two years we'll kickstart it.
Favorite game of all time is Twilight Imperium.
Cold War: CIA vs KGB
I was introduced to this game by my friend Chris while we were waiting for a friend to arrive to game night at the Dice Dojo in Chicago one night. He said it was quick and fun and is a great way to spend a half hour (although it can be longer if the game is close).
This game is simple straight out of the box, read the rules in five minutes and start playing kind of game. Each player takes the role of either the CIA or KGB, hence the name of the game. Both sides are identical and the only difference is the art on the agent cards.
Each round of the game will pit the two sides against each other to gain control of a region of the world with varying point values. Some being ten points and ranging up, I know that Egypt is a high point value for example. After seeing what the goal is for the round each player secretly picks an agent from their pool of active ones to send on the mission. There is Double Agent, Master Spy, Assassin and more each with their own ability based on whether you win the region or lose the region. For example if you win the region with the Assassin then you effectively kill the other persons agent. Another example that can be fun is is you lose the region but have played Master Spy then you still win the region, always a fun bit of trickery to play on someone when they think they’ve won.
In each game round once you’ve chosen an agent, and kept it secret, play revolves around enlisting various groups (Military, Media etc) till you have reached the number listed on the contested country. There is always a limit to the number of group cards you can play. The four type of group cards have abilities, all the same between the four groups, although each card has its own value that when grouped together add up towards the contested regions total for the win. If you exceed the total then the region is in Chaos and you might kill your agent.
Without going into more detail about the game play, I feel as though this is a simple game once you learn it and has a lot of strategy. The game play is more about knowing your opponent and trying to put up a good poker face and be unpredictable in the agent you choose. This is always a great quick game to play with a friend prior to playing something bigger. I highly recommend.