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About Me
My introduction to boardgaming began with Heroscape, which is still my all-time favorite. I started as a big fan of thematic games, and I still like lots of bits, miniatures, dice, etc, but I now find myself enjoying “Euro” and card games almost as much. Some of my favorites currently are the Legend of the Five Rings LCG, Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition, Ethnos, and Rising Sun. I also enjoy games that I can play solo as well as with others.
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game Starter Set
By way of introduction, my son and I love Star Wars. I was four years old when Episode IV was released, and he was almost four when Episode III was released. We have both seen all the movies and enjoy the Clone Wars animated series. For him, Star Wars is the prequels and the TV series. It’s all about squads fighting on the ground and Jedi Knights leading clones (like the Star Wars miniatures game). For me, Star Wars is all about the intense dogfights between Rebels and Imperials and immense explosions in the vacuum of space. For me, Star Wars is the X-Wing Miniatures Game.
Starting with the components: this game looks amazing. The core set comes with three prepainted miniatures (two TIE fighters and one X-Wing) that are extremely detailed and wonderful to admire. The miniatures are designed to sit on a clear peg (you can put multiple pegs together to add height) that attaches to a base. A cardboard indicator is attached to the base and provides all the necessary stats for the different pilots that can be used for each ship. There are a variety of corresponding pilot cards (some common and some unique, and yes, including Luke Skywalker) that detail the pilots, as well. Various upgrade cards that can be used to customize the ships are also included. A variety of cardboard markers are also included, along with maneuvering templates, a color-coded range finder, and some really impressive maneuver dials that also correspond to the different ships. The entire production is top notch, has great artwork, and just oozes Star Wars theme.
The gameplay is straightforward and offers some great mechanics. At the start of each round, the players secretly dial in maneuvers for each of their ships. Once all maneuvers are chosen, they are revealed individually, and each ship makes its move, the order of which is determined by each pilot’s piloting skill (lowest skill moves first, followed by next lowest, and so forth). Once everyone has moved their ship, each ship gets to fire, starting with the pilot with the highest skill and moving down. In this way, the pilot with the highest skill moves last and shoots first, which can provide an advantage, particularly if the pilot destroys a ship with a lower skill before it even gets to take a shot. There are a variety of actions and upgrades that can be used to modify attack and defense rolls. Additionally, some maneuvers are more “stressful” than others and can prevent your pilot from performing certain actions (as in, the pilot is so focused on successfully performing the maneuver, he/she can’t divert their attention to an enhanced attack or evade, etc.). The game really gives players the feel of a dogfight (at least a Star Wars dogfight), with ships weaving in and around others, trying to outguess the opponent and line up the perfect shot, all the while trying to avoid the other ships’ guns. it feels like a Star Wars space battle. I can almost hear Vader saying, “I have you now” as the members of Red Squadron prepare to make the Trench Run…
The various ships have different capabilities and upgrades, depending on the ship type. TIE fighters are more nimble and have less armor, while the X-wings don’t have the maneuverability but can stand up to more punishment. The different pilots also offer varying abilities and play differently. They range from Luke, an excellent pilot, to guys that are fresh from the academy. The pilots and upgrades have different point costs, encouraging players to experiment with a variety of squad builds and leaving the way open for multiple expansions, the first of which have already arrived.
A few negatives: The MSRP may seem a little high for gamers not accustomed to paying for miniatures. However, if you look at everything that comes in the box, it really seems to be worth the money (at least for me). Also, gameplay may become repetitive if every match comes down to just destroying the other side’s units. This can be overcome by playing scenario games. Three are included in the core set, and there are multiple fan-made ones already available on the web. And the biggest negative: I have to wait until the end of the year for more new expansions!
Overall, this game is a huge amount of fun. It does a great job of capturing the feel of Star Wars squad battles in space, is easy to pick up and play, and looks great on the table. This game is a must for any Star Wars fans and should provide lots of fun and entertainment for gamers of all types. I highly recommend it.