Dr. Wildcat
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Pandemic: The Cure
Dice versions of the most popular games has become quite a rage, but the most successful to my knowledge is Pandemic: The Cure.
In Pandemic, players co-operate to stop the spread of four diseases across the world. This idea is abstracted out into the playing of cards and the placing of disease cubes. In Pandemic: The Cure this same idea is abstracted into dice.
Dice in the game are rolled both to see what options are available for each player to take and to represent the spread of disease across the continents. Careful tactical planning will have to be utilized in order to win.
Each player is assigned a different role which gives them certain strengths in fighting the spread of the four diseases and you really do get the sense that you have a different job to do. The variability in roles provides for a lot of replayability.
With dice rolling there is obviously a lot of luck involved but thoughtful decision making definitely makes a difference. The game plays quickly (probably 30-45 minutes) and most often seems to generate multiple plays (particularly after a loss).
The dice are of high quality and the cards are fine. The box is overly big and you can easily take the parts out for a great game to pack when travelling.
If you like co-ops and/or dice rolling this game is a must have. It is easy to introduce to new players and non-gamers. It is more abstract than Pandemic but frankly it has nevertheless replaced Pandemic (a former favorite) for me and my family. This is my most played game from 2014 and I think is an under-appreciated gem.