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This week’s Explorable Favorites (Jun 8)

Posted by Account Deletion {Family Gamer} | 8-Jun-15 | 10 comments

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This Week’s Explorable Games

This round of Explorable Favorites is from member Dr. Wildcat. The games selected from their Favorites shelf were:

These games will be explorable until next Monday, June 15th

After you’ve explored these games, let us know what you think about them in the comments below!

Comments (10)

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Sentinels of the Multiverse fan
Plaid Hat Games fan
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@Bit Bot I have a feeling someone just leveled up 😛

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Gamer - Level 8
Guardian Angel
Platinum Supporter

Congrats, glad that Pandemic The Cure got the spotlight, it gets pulled out a fair amount at the home game table, love the quickness compared to the original game.

Although not familiar with Bora Bora, if given the chance I think I would play a time or two to see how it goes.

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Miniature Painter
Rosetta Stone
Advanced Reviewer Beta 1.0 Tester

Congrats Dr. Wildcat. Thanks for sharing why the games are on your shelf!

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to gloat over my gold.

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I play black
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Congratulations on the selection, Dr. Wildcat! Great two choices – both games I look forward to learning more about!

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Guardian Angel
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I think Pandemic base and Pandemic the Cure, although similar, are independent games – one doesn’t replace the other.

Pandemic base is all about solving an evolving puzzle, while the Cure is about staying alive. Both awesome, and both worth it.

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Z-Man Games fan
Plaid Hat Games fan
Stone of the Sun

Bora Bore sounds interesting. I have heard mixed reviews of the cure. Still trying to make my mind up as I have the base game.

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I play blue
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Alright, for the sake of the metagame 🙂 …

Easily my favorite designer is Stefan Feld and Bora Bora is my favorite game of his. I love the decision making and the multiple paths to victory. I love that the dice add unpredictability and that other players can interfere a bit with my plans; both mean this is not multi-player solitaire.

As for Pandemic the Cure, it ended up being my favorite game from 2014. I was a big fan of Pandemic but I like that this speeds things up without to my mind losing much of the flavor. I am a big fan of co-ops and this ends up being gaming popcorn to me…can’t stop playing with just one.

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Sentinels of the Multiverse fan
Plaid Hat Games fan
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@Dr Wildcat Congrats on being this week’s Sacred Shelf Spotlight! 🙂 You don’t have to make a speech, but it is always fun to play the metagame and share why these make your faves 🙂

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Rosetta Stone

Dr. Wildcat,

Congrats on being the chosen who-haw this week! Gotta love Pandemic the Cure!

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I play blue
Master Grader

Thanks for the selection.

I don’t have to make a speech do I?

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