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Rune Age: Oath and Anvil
If you love Rune Age and it’s seamless transition between Solo, Co-op and PvP, then this is a worthy expansion to that game.
Oath and Anvil consists of one Rulesheet and 210 Cards, including:
24 Core Game Faction Unit Cards
30 Orc Faction Cards
30 Dwarf Faction Cards
50 Mercenary Cards
76 Scenario-specific Cards
Two new factions:
Dwarves of Dunwarr are an interesting deck that turns excess gold in your hand and opponent’s hands into damage and attack. It makes use of all that gold you may have built up and makes it useful.
Orcs of the Broken plains are an aggressive deck that makes your attacks far more powerful if you empty your hand. A classic standard for Orcs, form a horde and crush all in your wake.
Each faction gains a Legendary creature that costs 4 influence but cannot be destroyed once in play, they are only sent to your discard pile to be used again later.
Two new scenarios which I will describe briefly.
Ascent of the overlord is a One ( The Overlord ) against many mechanic where one player becomes the overlord and follows certain rules with his/her own deck as each of the other players attempt to stop him or her from winning.
Quest for Power is a PvP scenario without player elimination. Each Player fights for control of landmarks, which give you Power each turn, first player to 20 power wins.
There are also 4 cards that turn Resurgence of the Dragonlord into a co-op version witch is hard and challenging as a co-op should be.
Finally I shall talk briefly about Mercenaries. These are neutral units and spells that are added randomly to scenario buy areas and add some interesting mechanics. They come in strengths of 1 and 2 and allow for a greater variety of buy options from the communal area. One example is the Miasma card “When you purchase this card, place it in another player’s discard pile. Action: Destroy a Stronghold you control to destroy this card.”
All in all, this Expansion adds depth, new factions, new play styles and new options to an already very malleable and enjoyable game. It is definitely a must buy if you enjoy Rune Age.