gamer level 7
14960 xp
14960 xp
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Give 1000 hearts (loyalty points) to a single game
Give 1000 hearts (loyalty points) to a single game

The Silver Heart
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Give 10 Silver Hearts to games that you fancy.

The Bronze Heart
Give 10 Bronze Hearts to games that you like.
Give 10 Bronze Hearts to games that you like.

The Gold Heart
Give 10 Gold Hearts to games that you love.
Give 10 Gold Hearts to games that you love.
Player Stats
Critic (lvl 3)
1305 xp
1305 xp
Explorer (lvl 2)
693 xp
693 xp
Professor (lvl 3)
838 xp
838 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
181 xp
181 xp
About Me
I am a married father to a young son, and am an avid gamer, playing mostly Euros, though I'll try almost any game once or twice. My favorite game, bar none, is Power Grid, though I love many others as well.
Eminent Domain
Eminent Domain does very little that is new, but sort of like a Stefan Feld game, it takes disparate game mechanics and puts them together to form a synergy: they add up to a better game than they were apart.
There is a lot familiar here: deck building, role selection, production/trade. It’s sort of a Race-for-the-Dominion mashup. The designer, Seth Jaffee, posted an article discussing his design process and influences here:
The game play is fast and light, with some tough decisions, and there are many different strategies. I’ve only played a few times, so I am no expert yet, but the strategies do seem balanced, with good opportunities for victory. The rules are simpler than the source games, and the game comes with good player aids (which also act as the starting player selection). Starting planets are different for each player, and are randomly determined with extra planets for added variety.
Graphically the game is spectacular, with vivid colors, large images, and clear text. The wood and cardboard bits are all unique and colorful. The plastic ships are aesthetically pleasing, and black (which gets an extra nod from me) though unnecessarily large and varied.
I really love this game, and find myself thinking about the gameplay for days after each time I play. TMG has itself another winner here.