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Baron / Baroness
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Magic: The Gathering
I’ll admit I’ve spent way too much money on Magic over the years. I started playing in high school and it was a torrid love affair that ended when I wound up broke. I picked it up again in my early twenties and again spent more money than I should have for about a year until I grew tired of it again. Then AGAIN in my late twenties but that tryst only last six months or so.
The game itself is actually quite good. If there’s actually anyone reading this that doesn’t know what this game is about I’ll give a small synopsis. You make a deck consisting of spell cards and lands in order to whomp the holy **** out of anyone you play against. Lands give mana which is used to cast spells to summon monsters, gain artifacts, fireball the pants off of some poor schmo or do nasty things to your opponents directly. Each player has 20 life and if you end up with zero or can’t draw any cards you lose.
I like the premise and I like playing but the obvious cash grab this thing has turned into over the years has made me loathe Magic and CCGs in general. Rampant rules lawyering has also made me shy away from Magic since so much of what is legal is in some official FAQ online and if you don’t keep up with the ins and outs of the official rulings you can get screwed HARD.
The cards are good quality, the art is generally good and the game is fun but I’ll not indulge in this ever again since I now have a kid to feed and a mortgage to pay. If you’re single, have money to burn, like strategic rules lawyering CCGs and don’t mind buying a new core set EVERY FREAKIN’ YEAR then this game can be, great fun. Otherwise stick to something that won’t force you to live on the streets after retirement.