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Space Alert
This game was picked up by a friend and pitched to me as a “cooperative real-time strategy board game”. It turned out to be a combination of a heart attack and a stroke all bundled up in a science fiction theme.
The game is set to a sound track that acts as the the DM while the players try desperately to keep up and communicate. The players (while listening to a 10 minute audio file) lay down action cards and keep track of their prediction of what will happen on the board. After the audio is done, the board is reset and the actions are carried out to the demise of the players.
First things first: this game is hard. Very hard. So hard that a group of experienced gamers who usually enjoy a good challenge, barely made it through the tutorial missions. In time, it might get easier but the game mechanic is so different than anything we’ve played before that we had a tough time making heads or tails of what was going on the first couple rounds.
After playing this game several times, I can sort players into three types…
The Boss
This person is always captain and is “in control of the situation”. They give orders out like candy and are certain that they know what needs to be done. The problem is that no one ever knows exactly what needs to be done because it is simply too much information to keep track of at once.
Several times we had our version of “the boss” say that an enemy was dead several turns ago when it wasn’t or know that we had enough fuel when we didn’t.
The Perfectionist
This person usually ends up not playing because they couldn’t get all of the information they thought they needed to make a good decision. This is not a game for players with analysis paralysis! Or maybe you might prescribe this to one of your friends in order to solve his AP…
Either way, if you can’t eventually just say “screw it” and throw down some actions, you’ll spend a lot of time doing nothing and the ship will suffer for it.
The Quickster
This person has picked up his round three cards before round one has finished. The main issue with this person is that they don’t really realize that they are way ahead of the group. So when a player asks the quickster if he can go throw another fuel rod in, he says “sure” and ends up throwing it in five turns too late.
The game is quick and fun. It can cause fights when someone does something incredibly stupid, but odds are everyone will do something incredibly stupid, so it evens out.
The audio file aspect is really neat and adds some cool features (I especially like the radio silence parts). It is annoying, though, if someone speaks over an important bit and you miss something. If you get something wrong, you can end up placing a monster incorrectly or not even placing a monster at all. With no obvious way to cross-check what you heard short of replaying the audio file, I always worried that we were screwing up the game.
The Good
The audio file is a cool mechanic.
The attention to theme is really awesome, especially in the stories that can be read during the tutorial missions.
The table talk (arguments) followed by missions going all wrong makes for a great time.
The Bad
The audio file is a double edged sword…potential to screw up the way a mission is supposed to go because you miss something.
The game is really hard (but maybe we just suck).
The real time aspect of it stressed me out…but that’s a personal complaint and might be a good thing for other people.
This is a really solid game. It’s got tons of replay value and a cool new way to play board games. (It’s new for me…if there is something else out there like it, let me know). It makes for great table-talk and has a terrific theme…if you can get over the stress of playing it.