Peter Wocken
gamer level 8
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35797 xp
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Be loyal to the general Good. Give 25 hearts each to 10 different games.

Gamer - Level 8
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423 xp
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277 xp
277 xp
About Me
I am a freelance Game Graphic Designer who has done work for a variety of game companies including Plaid Hat Games, Fantasy Flight Games, and Floodgate Games. Check out my website for more info, and have an awesome day!
Tichu is a ladder-style trick taking card game played with partners (two teams). The goal of the game is 1000 points (although for a lunch game, maybe play to 500). How do you get points? All 5s are worth 5 points, 10s and Kings are worth 10 points, the Dragon is worth 25 points, and the Phoenix is -25 points. You can always call a Tichu (you’re betting 100 points that you can get rid of all of your cards first) or Grand Tichu (a bet of 200 points that with limited information, you can be the first player to play all of their cards).
What’s great about Tichu is that there are many ways to screw over your opponents or take control of a hand that nobody saw coming with a bomb (four of a kind: four 8s for example OR a straight-flush: at least five cards of the same suit in a row – 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10). Tichu is a game about hight stress and wild swings of emotion, so lots of cheering or loud groans, depending on what just happened. This is one of those games that can sweep through an office and soon everyone is playing.
Sound complicated yet? That’s why I rated this game 3 Stars on Easy to Learn… but once people pick up on the rules (which generally takes a game or two), then there is a deeper game right below the surface.