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Summoner Wars: Alliances
After playing 10 or so games with the Alliances factions, I was surprised at the depth that it adds to the respective groups. All of the new factions can benefit from the original faction decks and their cards fit well in many of those decks. Also, it allows for new ideas to be brought to the deck building side of Summoner Wars. I have always been impressed by the simplicity of Summoner Wars, it is easy to teach, but with the new dual-factions, I have to really think about the cards that my opponent may be playing.
The Alliances set also adds many new mechanics, which add some life into this game. Examples include: the new Event Abilities for the Sand Cloaks, Runes for the Tundra Guild, and managing the Prison pile for the Cave Filth.
This set is a must buy for any fan of Summoner Wars, but also is a great way to enter into the game. The decks may be more complex, but are still accessible to any player. I have taught this game with starter sets, the Master Set, and the Alliances set to players of all ages. These decks are more complex than the originals, but still very accessible to any player that picks them up.