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I'm a Real Player!
Claim that you have played a game today by clicking the "Played Today!" button on a game page 25 times.
Claim that you have played a game today by clicking the "Played Today!" button on a game page 25 times.

Gamer - Level 4
Earn Gamer XP to level up!
Earn Gamer XP to level up!

Intermediate Grader
Grade 50 more reviews or tips by clicking "Yes" or "No" in response to the question "Was this helpful?"
Grade 50 more reviews or tips by clicking "Yes" or "No" in response to the question "Was this helpful?"

Explorer - Level 2
Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests!
Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests!
The Resistance: Avalon
This is a great party and bluffing game, though the complexity of the quests and the voting may turn off gamers with less experience. For a group of players that really know each other, and have the patience to learn and understand the mechanics of this non-elimination bluffing game, this game can be VERY enjoyable and fun.
Overall the components and helper apps that you can get for smart phones make this game an incredible play, and the variety in the characters allows for you to mix it up and get quite a bit of replay value.
When explaining this game to new players make sure to explain the mechanics of forming the questing party, voting on the party, and getting quests successfully complete, these three stages to this game can be very daunting especially to younger players who might be better suited to playing something like one night werewolf instead.