We’ll be playing Eminent Domain and its expansion Escalation this weekend. We’ll also be working on our previews for Game Developerz and oddball Aaeronauts.
Tags: Community Discussions, What are you playing?
« Newer Post: This week’s Explorable Favorites (Feb 17) Older Post: Board Games on kickstarter.com (Feb 13) »
« Newer Post: This week’s Explorable Favorites (Feb 17) Older Post: Board Games on kickstarter.com (Feb 13) »
Only a single play of LotR:LCG last weekend, but this upcomming weekend shold be good. A pure boardgaming trip to cabin with about 10 people and 4 of us going today to start the weekend early.
Played a 6 player game of Eclipse. Fun stuff.
Voluspa arrived on my door step Friday. Ended up playing it this weekend.
I was supposed to attend Martin’s gaming event. The snow kept me home. Online gaming for me instead.
We had a mini “con” at my friends place and we went from Friday to Sunday playing games all day and night, sleeping over so we could start back up at the crack of dawn
A wonderful spectrum of games were experienced, In order of my favorites(but all were fun):
Mice & Mystics
Pathfinders Card Game
Uncharted Board Game
King of Tokyo
Ticket to Ride Asia
Zombie Dice
A great time, but still too short, I am ready for more
I had a gaming event scheduled, but the snow just will not stop to allow traveling!
We ended up playing a crazy number of 7-8 player games of The Resistance and Ultimate Werewolf on Saturday night, including one round where, as I first got to be the Werewolf, I was taken out on Night #1 by “Russian Roulette” voting — “we need to accuse someone so it might as well be Jeff!”
Finally got in a play of Troyes and got to try Battle Line for the first time.
Played Agricola with the World Championship deck. Was a real challenge to get much wood production and had very low scores for a 4-player game. Fun, but a bit more frustrating than usual.
Semi-regular trek to take my family to visit my old college roommate and his family. Played 12 different sessions with 10 unique titles. Asterisks were new games for me:
Kingsburg (with parts of the expansion and a new homebrewed twist); Bruges, Zooloretto Dice* x3, Serenissima 2nd Ed.*, Pillars of the Earth, Homesteaders*, Magical Athlete*, Rum & Pirates, Africa*, and Bohnanza.
The twist for Kingsburg was he put all the Buildings from teh base game and expansions on individual cards. He then printed up 3 of each and divided them into “columns” as decks. You started with a few cards and at the end of each production season, you drew some more depending on your current turn order. You still had to build in order (a column 1 before a column 2) but you didn’t have to follow a set path any longer. You could also trade in a couple cards to get a resource of your choice and purchase more cards with resources as well.
I played Fiasco, and before three matches Ingenious (travel edition version) and Sunday three games of Zombie Dice.
Granny: I too am cursed by dice. They truly hate me. This is why I really like card games, or games like Terra Mystica that have no dice at all.
After a slow start, we played more Sentinels of Multiverse, Aton, Sorry Sliders, Galaxy Trucker and Ricochet Robots. And last week I decided to trade off Terra Mystica.
No gaming this weekend with the family returning home, but bound for a lot of gaming from thursday as I’ll be going to a cabin for a gaming weekend with 8-10 others
Slogged through two more chapters of Mice and Mystics. At this rate we’ll have the game finished some time around mid-2017.
Hike with the family, and Neuroshima Hex Lite on my Android phone, for sure. Hopefully play Dragon Delta and Bridges of Shangrila at some point.
Sula and I played 5 games of ‘Lords of Waterdeep’ and she is ahead 5-0. All close games; she’s just way smarter than I am
I failed the internet; I missed out on playing Lagoon… ;.;
Mice and Mystics, Rivet Wars, and Dark Darker Darkest! I just get giddy when I think about all the fabulous games there are to play and so happy that I own as many terrific ones as I do!