Too… Many… Awesome… Games…! It’s going to be hard to decide what to play this weekend. We got our kickstarter copy of Guilds of Cadwallon in, but besides that we’re thinking City of Remnants, Netrunner and Star Wars: The Card Game.
What are you having to choose between this weekend? 🙂
My daughter called in sick at work yesterday. So the 3 of us played Battlestar Galactica for the second time.
Going to be playing some Android: Netrunner, many rounds of king of tokyo, the resistance: Avalon, and hopefully squeeze in some descent second edition.
Wednesday game night produced 5 player game of King of Tokyo and a plethora of Android: Netrunner games!
Pathfinder, perhaps some Gamma World.
Medieval Mastery.
Another weekend where the only game I got to play was Neuroshima Hex on my Android, which makes me wonder: what are the best board-games on Android?
I played something called Villkatten. Don`t know the English word. Also Ubongo junior and a picture lotto game. Stayed with two kids! 🙂 Very much fun.
I played Heroclix; Flapjacks and Sasquatches; and Ascension. Slow Weekend, but I have a big local convention this Memorial Day Weekend and will be gaming like crazy.
Zombicide this time.
A mini-tournament Uno.
My gaming group and I concluded our weekend of games yesterday with two rounds of 7 Wonders, a game of Dixit, and a game of The Game of Thrones LCG that went on juts a bit too long.
And another day with practically the same games. Caylus, Power Grid, and we added Sentinels and Settlers. Fun weekend!
Yet another Game of Thrones viewing party. Breaking out the expansion ‘Leaders’ for ‘7 Wonders’ Really looking forward to that one. 7 Wonders has quickly become the group’s favorite game. Love Letter is usually played to wrap up the evening as folks go home. Personally, I prefer ‘Love Letter’. Its such a great game.
We had a family-friendly game night, featuring:
7 Wonders
Not my favorites, but good ones that fit the casual group of 6 we had last night.
Yesterday I played 5 games of Heroscape at a local tournament (3-2), followed by about 8 games of The Resistance. It was a very nice day of gaming.
We played Arkham Horror with 2 expansions and Smash Up with the expansion.
We had a good set this afternoon:
Jamaica, Bunny Bunny Moose Moose*, La Boca, Augustus, Pow Wow, King of Tokyo w/ expansion.
*Bunny Bunny Moose Moose bombed worse than any game I’ve ever introduced (and I’ve taught Bang and Killer Bunnies to multiple groups). I hope to try it again with a different group, but is seems to sit in an odd space, too serious and intense for a casual/party game, and too goofy for a serious crowd. We finished two hands before the other five players quit. I’d really been looking forward to trying it too.
On the plus side, the muffin tin doughnuts turned out quite well (except for the butter explosion resulting in my now having a non-stick microwave…)
Battlestar Galactica, LOTR DBG and DC Comics DBG!
Friday night Arkham Horror. Saturday @finched got Smash Up and the expansion, so introduced my mom to it.
So we normally have our game days on Sunday, but this weekend we’re having it both Sunday and Saturday. Today we played Pandemic, Red November, Munchkin, Monty Python Fluxx, and we finished the night with Zombie Dice. So many games, and there is still tomorrow to look forward to.