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Go to the Terra Mystica page
Go to the The Castles of Burgundy page
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61 out of 88 gamers thought this was helpful

Splendor is a great resource conversion game that can be taught in two minutes but still poses decisions that will challenge seasoned gamers. Since the game is essentially a race game, it can be difficult to make the most efficient play when considering available cards as well as reading the intentions of the other players. Non-gamers and families will really love this game since it is very accessible and easy to learn. It also teaches the concept of a resource engine that is a critical skill in many eurogames.

Go to the The Castles of Burgundy page
78 out of 155 gamers thought this was helpful

Game scales well from 2-4 players. Lots of replayability with different player boards. Multiple paths to victory that enable variable strategies. The dice mechanic allows players to make tactical decisions while still maintaining an overall strategy. Mostly independent actions but has blocking opportunities with a premium placed on player order to allow competition for the best tiles. Game is easy to teach to gamers that are familiar with eurogames and also appeals to family gamers as there is no player elimination. A Feld masterpiece.

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