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A Touch of Evil: Hero Pack 1
Another one of Flying Frog’s Expansions. First off let me say I enjoy A TOuch of Evil a bit more than a lot of folks. I truly love the theme though the core game itself at time can have an anti-climatic ending. But I digress…first off about the expansion.
New Heroes a plus, new cards a plus, and a new villian…that is a big plus. The game is better with more villainsto choose from and this is the one place the game really needed a boost so a big kudos for that.
Now lets talk price….Flying Frog has a habit of releasing very small expansions at very high prices. They consistently do this and I would expect that they could combine two of their new expansions into one and make the value more reasonable. I am not a fan of hardly any of the Flying Frog expansion prices and I will not buy them anywhere near MSRP. This expansion in fact branded by any other company would go for about half the price they are charging.
So is it a good expansion…sure it is for some variety, nothing too new but thats ok. Is it worth the cost, not so much. Search the web and buy it where you can find it for about 12.99 and then I think you got yourself a good deal.