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Descent: Journeys in the Dark (2ed)
..but unfortunately I can’t. After reading numerous reviews on different sites I had the chance to try it with a bunch of people playing a random mission and I really liked it, so I got very excited when a friend of mine told me that he bought the game. We got together with some gamer friends to play the initial first mission then kick off a campaign over the following few weekends.
Descent: Journeys in the Dark is set in a classic fantasy universe filled with all kinds of sentient races, great monsters and the evil forever lurking in the shadows. Great forests, deep caverns, wizards, druids, knights, rangers and thieves and all the other usual components of adventure give any hero-to-be the perfect breeding ground.
All the components are well designed and great quality and FFG made sure you get a bang for your buck. Beautiful cards, game tiles, nice hero and monster minis, everything. The only thing I don’t understand is why they didn’t make minis for the lieutenants (the overlord’s agents, basically evil heroes), only tokens. You can purchase the figures separately from FFG in metal but it would have been nice to include them, perhaps in black or dark grey plastic.
The Game
In Descent players take roles of a hero each, and one player acts as the overlord, controlling the monsters and playing against all the other players.
The heroes available are 4 classes with 2 career choices each, totalling at 8. These are: Warrior (Champion/Berserker), Healer (Knight/Disciple), Scout (Thief/Wildlander), Mage (Runemaster/Necromancer). The 8 models are only assigned to the 4 classes (2 each) so with their different skillsets and heroic feat you can assign them to your choice of career, giving you 16 different heroes out of the box but don’t expect a drastic difference. As I just mentioned heroes all have a ‘heroic feat’ ability which they can use once per encounter. This is usually a quite powerful action, or a certain bonus to the standard actions. As it is once/encounter you will have to choose wisely when to pop this but it is quite rewarding.
The 4 main stats for heroes are Movement, Health, Stamina and Defence. These are your most important stats and much of the game and the flavour of your character depend on these. There are also 4 more stats for further tests.
You can play one-off games of Descent, but where it should really shine is campaign mode. In this version you will play a chain of quests according to the quest book. Your heroes will gain experience and buy new skills, loot treasures and buy items they can keep. They travel between missions and there’s a card deck to tell you what event happened during these travels. The quests are set up by the overlord who decides what monsters to take and where they go (unless specified by the quest), then once everything is ready heroes enter the board and the game starts.
A hero can take 2 actions per turn, which can be move, attack, search, revive a hero, anything special from a card or feat etc… in any combination and in any order. Some actions also cost ‘fatigue’ points, these can only be taken if you have enough stamina left.
Once all the heroes finished acting, the overlord takes over and activates all the monsters in groups. Their activation is almost the same as that of the heroes with the exception that they they cannot attack twice in a turn. Additionally the overlord has a hand of cards that he can play against the players or to buff his monsters.
The turns go back and forth until either the heroes or the overlord achieve their goal, then wrap up the game, gain XP and move onto the next quest.
All the quests and their combinations and the different combinations of hero parties should give this game a good replay value, but I did not get to play it that much. With all the expansions out and in the pipeline, if you like this game you will have fun with it for a long time.
Last words
So all of this sounds pretty good, and all the reviews say what a great replacement this is for any RPG that would take more planning and work. Sadly, we did not experience any of that. We played through a campaign and found the following things annoying:
The overlord will win most quests, unless he’s doing something very wrong or he gets very unlucky / heroes get very lucky with dice.
Winning or losing quests does not matter throughout the game, it only influences the storyline as whoever wins the final game wins overall.
Heroes don’t ever die. If you die you just get up next turn, or wait for someone to revive you
The game consists solely of running around and killing stuff. Most missions can be solved by running up to a key monster and killing it as fast as you can. Yes you have to go and find the secret thing or pick the magic lock, etc.. but the only way of getting there (or getting through) is by killing everything else that blocks your way. And there’s a lot of that on a game board built with 2 square wide corridors. There is no alternative solution, no real logical puzzle and no challenge.
There is 0 amount of roleplaying involved.
Many combinations of heroes make the game unplayable, mainly due to the above 2 issues.
I may be the wrong kind of RPG player for this game, or maybe I had too big expectations but I would pick any pen and paper RPG with pre-generated quests over Descent any time. It is a very good looking game and it is very enjoyable up to a certain point, but there is only so much fun to be had in rolling dice and killing monsters.