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Gamer - Level 6
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Critic (lvl 1)
170 xp
170 xp
Explorer (lvl 3)
992 xp
992 xp
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197 xp
197 xp
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108 xp
108 xp
About Me
Fairly new to boardgaming. I initially assumed I'd enjoy miniatures games most as I come from a tabletop gaming background. However, I've recently been getting into Euro games and have found that I prefer 'drier' and less 'themey' games with a bit of complexity. Hansa Teutonica is a current favourite, as is Lords of Waterdeep.
Kill Doctor Lucky
This game has the unhappy distinction of being the only game I’ve ever played that I really disliked. The reason being that it has a mechanic (which I’ll get on to later) which means that not all players get to play the same number of turns, and some might barely get to play at all.
The theme of the game is similar to Cluedo, but instead of solving a murder, you are trying to commit one! Players start off all together in the same room. They take turns to move, play special cards or ‘search’ to draw more cards into their hand. Doctor lucky himself moves around the board in a semi predictable fashion following the numbers printed in each room consecutively unless someone plays a special card to move him out of sequence. If DR. L moves into a room containing a player, it immediately becomes that player’s turn and the player has a chance to try and murder him. It’s this mechanic which I didn’t like as it means that some players can get ‘locked out’ of the game as they are skipped over in the turn sequence. In one game I played I only got to take 2 moves in the whole game!
The game has a good quality components and a heavy dose of humour. The theme is pretty strong and definitely comes through in the rules as well as the artwork. This game would appeal to casual and family gamers but would be less suitable for more competitive and serious gamers.