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29 out of 33 gamers thought this was helpful

The Resistance
Love Letter
That pirate one (you know, the one with the monkey)

The not-a-card-game star has started shining particularly brightly recently.

I’d like to introduce you to their uncle. The bachelor. The one who still has long hair, rides a motorbike and pulls you aside to tell you his newest dirty jokes when your Mum’s not around.

The black sheep of the family.

The one who is still as much fun as the younger generation, but is old enough to buy you beer.

Pit (especially our copy) isn’t much to look at. The cards are a counter’s dream: bent, taped-up rips, coffee stains, and a faint whiff of bourbon. But who has time to identify cards when someone is screaming “TWO! TWO! TWO!” right in your ear?

This game is played standing up. It’s not in the rules. It’s not even a house rule. It just happens.

One moment everyone is sitting down and peacefully swapping cards in a thoroughly civilised manner; the next everyone is on their feet, shouting their deals, screaming in frustration when they get the same cards back, throwing their ‘offer’ at the player from whom they just snatched cards, getting into the face of the player they KNOW has the last two cards they need.

All players are red faced and hyperventilating, and then you hear the deep breath of someone wanting to be heard over the bedlam:


And with that it’s over. People relax, sit back down (or crawl out from under the table); you pick up the cards that have ended up on the floor and deal out the cards again.

A few warnings:

1. Don’t play this game late at night when your housemate needs to be up for work in four hours and sleeps above the living room.
2. If your group includes the sort of people who will throw things when angry it’s probably best to avoid this game. Or tie them to the chair.
3. If you are going to get up close and personal with players make sure you’ve washed. (You’d think it would go without saying, right?)
4. Cut your nails.

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