In City of Remnants, players take on the role of gang leaders, vying for renown in a city controlled by a powerful alien race called the Yugai. Players will recruit gang members, build and control developments to acquire more recourses as well as attack other gangs in an effort to control more developments and gain even more renown. Every round the Yugai will also randomly patrol the city and players must decide whether to attack them or pay them off. City of Remnants combines many fun and strategic gameplay mechanics together in a very fresh way to make for a game that you’ll bring out again and again…
I decided to pick this game up and I’m glad I did. It’s a lot of fun.
It seems really a game that is very dynamic and competitive.
@McDsy Thanks! They said it was coming. I’ll check it out.
@Granny They have put the FAQ up on the Plaid Hat Games website. You don’t shuffle your discards into your deck now.
I’ve been drooling over this game for a while now. I’m very happy to see a thorough review of it here.
Seems like it could be a really good game. My group ran into a problem with the Communication Device cards that causes an infinite money loop for yellow. We are going to either pull them out or just not deal them back in like the card says (Plaid Hat should provide errata at some point on this). Nevertheless, we are going to give it another chance. 🙂