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Explorer - Level 1
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Space Hulk
After I punched the chits and set up the game it had a lovely dark theme but light brown cardboard stood out easily on the map sides and tokens.
A SUPER EASY fix is to take a black permanent ink marker “sharpie” and color the sides of the the tokens!!!
After setting it up again, my eyes were no longer distracted and drawn to the light brown cardboard!
ADVANCED TIP: mix two parts black acrylic paint (you can find it for $1 at craft stores) with 1 part Elmers glue (like the kind you used to you in school) and paint the sides with a paintbrush (cheap disposable ones are best because it will ruin the brush) instead of using a sharpie. It will have the same color effect but will “seal” the exposed cardboard and also prevent warping.
Thanks, and may your gun never jam!!!