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Gamer - Level 7
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About Me
I am currently playing a great many Board Games and Card Games but I also play a wide variety of RPG's.
My current favorites are "Takenoko", "Settlers of Catan", "Ticket to Ride", and "Lords of Waterdeep" among others.
I play with a small group that plays every Saturday.
Remember: "When the DM Laughs it's Already too Late".
Batman Fluxx
This is an interesting addition to the Fluxx Universe of Games. Instead of using the Batman movies and Comics ( which they may have had trouble getting the rights for ) they went back the the Animated Batman Cartoon series. This is a good thing because the animated nature of the series gives a better artistic addition to the cards then trying to convert the Movie or comic art to the cards.
This game is excellent and should not be missed by any Fluxx enthusiast because of the nostalgic nature and ease of play. It can be a good introduction for younger players and new players alike.
Note: a promotional card was included in Game Trade Magazine a few months ago and if it can be found it adds to the game.
Good playing.