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Cthulhu Dice
OK…here’s the deal. I’m a collector. One of the things I collect are dice. How could I possibly pass up buying this game! I have one of each color (currently 9) and can’t wait for the next couple colors to come out. Sick…I know…but don’t tell me you don’t know someone like me…or are YOU like me? Kinda creepy.
Oh yea! Game review..sorry.
If you want the details of the rules, please see the previous posts. If you are familiar with Steve Jackson Games, it’s another stick it to your neighbor, be the last guy standing kind of game…except sometimes everyone loses(Cthulu wins). My kids (girls 8 & 11) love to stick it to there mom on game nights. I will also say that this is a fun little game you can throw in your game bag for those game lulls(admit it, you all have them)for a quick pickup, but lets look outside of the box…shall we?
The dice are gorgeous(love the glow dice), the game play simple…but have you played with a large group? Say 6-10?