gamer level 3
845 xp
845 xp
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Gamer - Level 3
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Critic - Level 2
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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 2)
365 xp
365 xp
Explorer (lvl 1)
181 xp
181 xp
Professor (lvl 0)
20 xp
20 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
121 xp
121 xp
About Me
Years ago I owned a brick and mortar store here in northeastern PA - THE KEEP. Now, aside from my current full-time career, I am a vendor at a local Gaming Convention - MEPA-Con (www.mepacon.com) and enjoy demoing new games and playing games with new gamers of all persuasions. With my own group, I am currently running a Shadows of Esteren RPG campaign and am also playing a variety of boardgames with friends and family including the tremulus RPG, Mice and Mystics, The Resistance, Krosmaster: Arena and Cover Your Assetts.
A favorite family game and a GREAT game to introduce “non-gamers” to the wonders of boardgaming. Simply put – this is a GREAT introductory game that you will bring to the table when you want to introduce kids or grandparents to the wonders of gaming outside Monopoly, Dominoes and Uno AND you will return to it with your more serious gamer friends when you’re looking for a light filler game where you can visit AND game while waiting for the latecomers in your group before starting a more serious game from your library. This game is enjoyed by gamers of ALL ages and by gamers of ALL styles except for those few who feel that if no characters are killed in a game then it’s not worth playing. It is a “must-have” for any gamers library.