gamer level 5
3119 xp
3119 xp
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Gamer - Level 5
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355 xp
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86 xp
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175 xp
175 xp
About Me
Frustrated artist, Yeti on a motorbike, board gamer. All good descriptions of me. :)
I have been into RPGs since I was a child and also played a lot of board games back then. These were the usual Monopoly, Cluedo, etc but also featured some other, slightly different games such as Lost Valley of the Dinosaurs and Escape from Atlantis which my grandad used to play with me.
I waned out of board gaming but continued the RPGing and was then introduced to Magic the Gathering in my 20s. I still play now (although mostly casually).
In about 2007/8 my GF bought me Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot which we thought was hilarious. Then we found our FLGS and started buying the occasional game, mostly based on the art on the box. We now research our purchases a lot more and definitely have more defined tastes in games.
I have my own blog site where I write about board games, Magic the Gathering and, occasionally, art and other things. You can find it here: www.therealjobby.co.uk
I also design tshirts which often cross over scifi and board games (my two favourite hobbies!). They can be bought from TeePublic here: https://www.teepublic.com/user/Jobby
Keep on gaming!
I have been into RPGs since I was a child and also played a lot of board games back then. These were the usual Monopoly, Cluedo, etc but also featured some other, slightly different games such as Lost Valley of the Dinosaurs and Escape from Atlantis which my grandad used to play with me.
I waned out of board gaming but continued the RPGing and was then introduced to Magic the Gathering in my 20s. I still play now (although mostly casually).
In about 2007/8 my GF bought me Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot which we thought was hilarious. Then we found our FLGS and started buying the occasional game, mostly based on the art on the box. We now research our purchases a lot more and definitely have more defined tastes in games.
I have my own blog site where I write about board games, Magic the Gathering and, occasionally, art and other things. You can find it here: www.therealjobby.co.uk
I also design tshirts which often cross over scifi and board games (my two favourite hobbies!). They can be bought from TeePublic here: https://www.teepublic.com/user/Jobby
Keep on gaming!
Since Dominion there have been a dearth of deckbuilders. Many have missed what makes Dominion so good – the speed. In Dominion players can play their hand very quickly, draw up a new hand and cycle through their deck very fast. Many of the more modern deckbuilders have switched gears and taken more of a hand management where the players don’t want to lose cards from their hands and where getting through your deck is a bad thing.
Pleasingly, Clank! eschews all of this modern deckbuilding nonsense and goes back to the Dominion feel. Players start with a small deck with some ok and some rubbish cards in. They will buy cards from a row that’s on offer and increase their powers. Those powers will become important in doing a bit of dungeon delving.
The players in Clank! have dared each other to steal the best treaure from the dragon’s dungeon. To win, a player must get into the dungeon, find an artefact and return to the start with it. However, they must also prove themselves to be the best thief so must get as much gold as possible as well. Cards and tokens will also be worth points at the end so gather as many of those as well.
Once one player gets out then it’s a race for the other players as the dragon (who has now been told about the other players and their evil thievery) has awoken and will attack every turn!
Oh, I forgot to mention the dragon attacks! Players should try to be stealthy in Clank! as stumbling around, stealing valuable gems or flipping lucky coins(!) all produce Clank!, i.e. noise. The more noise you make the more likely the dragon will hurt you when it attacks. And dragon attacks are always a surprise (until one person gets out).
It’s a great game with a great sense of humour. The game hits all the fantasy tropes but adds fun to them. Singing sword? Great for fighting monsters but all that noise it’s making is bound to attract the dragon! That pesky Kobold? He’s weak but until someone takes care of him he’s going to keep pointing out your whereabouts to the dragon. And the endless goblins that provide players with an endless supply of coins.
Oh, and enjoy all the bizarre monkey goodness! 🙂