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Quarriors! Rise of the Demons
The first expanion for Quarriors came and went and I liked Quarriors well enough to pick up the expansion. The expansion adds corrupted creature cards for the first set and also gives you the nasty demonic overlords and a corruption spell.
The rules changes are nominal and it only takes a couple of minutes to gain an understanding. But is this game worth the $20? Is it an expansion that you need?
– Demonic Overlords are amazing and a great addition to the game!
– Some of the variations on previous spells and monsters work fairly well and add some extra variety
– Corruption spell is not that useful
– Most of the dice we get are corruption dice, pardon me, but color me not impressed. Seems like we’re paying for a bunch of dice we rarely ever use
– Does not add much to gameplay options
– Hard to integrate into a normal game, you really need specific combos out there and I like to play a completely random set-up, I don’t having to set-up specific scenarios to enjoy an expansion
Overall I didn’t feel this expansion added much and quite frankly I would have rather spent my $20 on something else. Maybe if I would have saved my money for Quarmaggedon I would have been better off. I just didn’t feel like I was getting a bang for the buck with this. $10? Maybe. Considering most of the dice are corruption dice, I just felt cheated. It didn’t add anything different enough for me. While I did like the Demonic Overlords, I was hoping for some interesting other creatures and there wasn’t any.