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Mage Wars avatars and badge for!

Posted by Jim {Power Gamer} | 14-Mar-13 | 13 comments
Mage Wars customizable profile items

This exclusive set of avatars and fan badge for users comes from Mage Wars and recently released expansion Forcemaster vs. Warlord, by Arcane Wonders.
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Choose an avatar from this selection of Mages and characters from Mage Wars.

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Mage Wars avatars for

Fan Badge

A badge to show you’re a true fan of Mage Wars.

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Greater Than Games Fan badges for

Comments (13)

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Mask of Agamemnon
The Gold Heart
Cooperative Game Explorer

Used pretty even today too.

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Rosetta Stone
Football Fan
Explorer - Level 5

These Avatars are kinda cool. Thanks for adding them.

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Platinum Supporter
Petroglyph Beta 1.0 Tester

Granny would just like a different hat to wear every now and then. :-/

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Critic - Level 5
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Marquis / Marchioness

Awesome, that looks so much better! Thanks Jim!

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8 Beta 1.0 Tester
Mythic Kingdoms Backer 2020
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Advanced Reviewer

Doh, I feel like that didn’t work when I tried it (last year), so I’d been using the —-, I’ll try the break tag again!

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Mythic Kingdoms Backer 2020
Video Game Fan
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We don’t have a place that discusses the About Me section, but I’ve found that this works….

To create a hard return add a break tag, <br />, at the location in the text you want a hard return

To create a space between paragraphs, add a second break after each paragraph:
<br /><br />

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Critic - Level 5
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Marquis / Marchioness

Killer Bunnies and King of Tokyo would be great games for avatars!

I’ve also been unable to find a way to code in paragraph breaks into the About Me section on the Profile page.

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Veteran Grader

Thank you for the speedy reply, Jim!

I’m with aceraxon on this one! Variety is the spice of life and makes for avatar heaven.

I know you wonderful people people are woefully busy with maintaining this fantastic site, so I’ll just go with the basics. ;o) Seriously, though, I will wait *cough* patiently while you all work the magic in due time.

Zombicide, Garden Dice, Last Night on Earth, A Touch of Evil, or Invasion from Outer Space, Flash Point, Zpocalypse, Munchkin, Farmageddon, Castle Panic, SmallWorld, Killer Bunnies, Red Dragon Inn, and King of Tokyo are my top picks.

While I LOVE the artwork of the current avatars, I personally lean more toward the whimsical side of things. Belfort’s avatars, for example, are immensely appealing to me.

Of course, I’m going to have to put my money where my mouth is on this. I plan to donate some funds to the cause, but Kickstarter is killing me at the moment, especially with Zombicide: Season 2 and a very probably sequel/expansion to Zpocalypse in the works (per the most recent announcement on the Kickstarter).

I am newer to this site, but loving it so far. I had a hard time finding the proper way to use HTML tags to code hard enters/paragraph breaks into into the “About Me” section of my profile. I finally found a workable solution on another website, but is there a news article or unexplored area on this I haven’t come across yet that discusses it?

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Sentinels of the Multiverse fan
Tasty Minstrel Games Fan

More variety is always great

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Mythic Kingdoms Backer 2020
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@ Sir Gamesalot, we don’t have a formal way to request avatars, but feel free to post here the games you’d like to see avatars for, and we’ll see what we can do!

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Veteran Grader

Is there a way to request avatars for a specific game be added?

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Veteran Grader

Very nice indeed. The Beastmaster reminds me a LOT of the Descent: Journeys in the Dark character, Ronan of the
Wild (and his furry friend, Pico).

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Mask of Agamemnon
The Gold Heart
Cooperative Game Explorer

Graphic art quite beautiful.

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