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Tulipmania 1637
If you are looking for a deep game, your not going to get it from this game. But if you want a somewhat light weight game. Then this might work.
This is really a stock market game, with tulips. The theme works with the game great and it is a good game. It’s also a pretty simple game. You sell, you buy, and you see what happens.
The Replay value is good. You have a change in cards and set-ups in every game. So you won’t have the same game twice, at least for awhile.
Components are good too. The Wooden tulips are cool, the board is good, not cheap. The cards are flimzy, but if you put them in sleeves, it will work.
It is also is pretty easy to learn. Maybe 10 and up, but 12 might be a little high. But it is not apples to apples.
Overall it’s a good game I like to play it and it’s a fun but It’s a light stock-market type game.
7.5 out of 10