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gamer level 9
60711 xp
60711 xp
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Gamer - Level 9
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Rated 100 Games
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Critic - Level 2
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Earn Critic XP to level up by completing Critic Quests!

El Dorado
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Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions ...learn more »
Player Stats
Critic (lvl 2)
325 xp
325 xp
Explorer (lvl 5)
5325 xp
5325 xp
Professor (lvl 3)
990 xp
990 xp
Reporter (lvl 3)
944 xp
944 xp
About Me
I'm a big fan of cooperative games; it started with Pandemic and now I'm totally addicted to Sentinels of the Multiverse and Spirit Island. Standard card games are also a favorite, but are sadly unrepresented here. Competitive games aren't exactly in my wheelhouse, but I'll try just about anything and I'm always looking for suggestions.
Spirit Island
Spirit Island is a heavy game. I’d like to think that we covered everything clearly in the rulebook, but there’s always room for improvement. Eric has created a great FAQ that we continue to build as questions come in. The intent is that you could look something up quickly mid-game without having to search through lots of forum posts. There’s a link/QR code to it on the back of the rulebook.
If you find that you still have questions, feel free to post them here, on BGG, or on the Greater Than Games forums and we’ll try to get you an answer quickly (and post it on the FAQ if it isn’t already there).