David McCord
gamer level 6
6893 xp
6893 xp
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Critic (lvl 2)
430 xp
430 xp
Explorer (lvl 0)
96 xp
96 xp
Professor (lvl 0)
5 xp
5 xp
Reporter (lvl 0)
72 xp
72 xp
About Me
Just about any genre interests me to some degree. Mostly play party games with party-game friends and "designer" games with the local game group and a few closer friends. I am very much into history and a little into game theory. And I design games, too: see http://www.newventuregames.com for more information.
Lanterns: The Harvest Festival
We played Lanterns with four-players last night, and it’s a winner.
Upon opening the box (the “new” smell was a little over-powering) and punching out components, we were impressed with the quality and artwork. A well-lit room will be helpful, particularly distinguishing the blue and green honor tiles (yellow might have been a better choice there).
The rules are simple and straightforward; the only things we needed to hunt for were the use of the 4-point honor tiles and what happens when a particular card is “out of stock.” But we learned the game comfortably in just a few rounds.
The level of strategic planning, placement, and resource management is just right for a casual-yet-challenging experience. There were laughs and mock-anger moments, and no one felt left behind or unduly threatened. This is an excellent game, in a very nice-sized box, that we’ll definitely be playing again. Highly recommended!