Upcoming Games
Mage Knight

Added Games
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot: Blue Starter
Killer Bunnies Quest: Red Booster
Killer Bunnies Quest: Violet Booster
Playroom Entertainment
The Adventurers: The Temple of Chac
AEG – Alderac Entertainment Group
Rush n’ Crush
AEG – Alderac Entertainment Group
Rio Grande
Sands of Time Games
Battles of Westeros
Fantasy Flight
Heimlich & Co.
Catacombs, love dex games even though my group doesn’t. 🙁
@Wind Lane
Yah I had to sneak that one in
I agree! It’s great to see Dungeon Run on the site.
Love that you guys snuck in Dungeon Run mid-week. My copy just arrived the other day.
Could we get the entire Alea Large, Medium and Small box series added?
@Swede Racer, Just to let you know, a major thematic element of Shogun/Samurai Swords has been done away with for the Ikusa reprint. Namely, the tiny little katanas that players “drew straws” with.
Re: Merchant of Venus…
MoV was pretty great in its day, but it’s starting to show its age a bit. I want it, and would love to own any version of it, but since it’s mostly nostalgia driving my desire to own it, I’m hoping a reprint hits, just so the cost of the original plummets, so that I may buy the version I remember at an affordable price.
@Granny (eric?) is right; the Merchant of Venus story is really interesting stuff. Hopefully it won’t turn into sad stuff; I like both companies, and would hate to see this get nasty.
I remember when Wizkids first came out with all the clix games. My friends and I must have spent thousands of dollars in the end. They went under so fast after the initial rush. It’s good to see them back.
There are some OOP games that are getting reprints this year though… like Wiz-War, Merchant of Venus, and Outpost.
An interesting story to watch is both Fantasy Flight Games and Stronghold Games are claiming licensing rights to the reprint of Merchant of Venus… which could be excellent (two versions of a great game), or terrible (the reprints get locked up by litigation). We shall see. I love both companies, and hope we see two versions of this fantastic game.
Thanks, @hskrfn822, I didn’t realize they wanted to avoid out-of-print games.
But I also didn’t realize that Samurai Swords had been reprinted with a new name again. Ikusa looks really nice. I may have to pick it up just because of the superior components!
@Swede Racer, Samurai Swords probably shouldn’t be added since that specific name hasn’t been used since it was last used by Milton Bradley. I believe the most recent version was released by Avalon Hill (Hasbro) and was titled Ikusa. So long story short, Ikusa could get added, but not Samurai Swords as they’ve already stated they’re avoiding adding a bunch of out of print games.
Here are a few off the top of my head:
Board/Card games:
Red Dragon Inn (1, 2, and 3)
Samurai Swords (Edit: Ikusa)
Tide of Iron
Roleplaying games:
Mutants and Masterminds
Savage Worlds (plus specific settings, such as Deadlands)
Gamma World
@Swede Racer
Which games did you want to add?
Is it possible to request specific games to be added?
@hskrfn822, I’m more of a skimmer when I look at things on the internet, and am experiencing the same thing. It’s a bit of a balancing act because we don’t want the quests to be completed too quickly, but at the same time, if users aren’t even seeing them, then that’s no good either. We’re on it.
I’m with you on the time. If there are 20 reviews… I may be on the page long enough, but for pages with just a couple reviews, I’m never there long enough to see the hourglass, and hate to just waste my time waiting. It defeats the purpose of seeing more of the site.
Thanks for adding more games. I need to start helping again… been busy with work. SO many games!
Just in case one of the “Powers That Be” reads this…are you guys comfortable with the amount of time that elapses before the hourglasses show up? I’m kind of a quick reader and it seems like pages open, I read, then move on to other things too quick for them. The only time enough time passes is when I take the time to type a post out or if I fake it by just letting the page sit there, which is annoying if the entire point is to reward users for their browsing of the site.
Any chance this time gets shortened?
How do you do it???
I literally just posted this.
Actually we added Mage Knight, I gotta add it to this post!
BTW I noticed you’ve given over 400 hearts to RoboRally! That’s dedication.
Awesome, thanks!
In the next month or so (as they become more widely available) some of the new Essen releases you talked about in the last few news posts would be great (Mage Knight, Dungeon Petz, Ora et Labora, etc.)