gamer level 4
2020 xp
2020 xp
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I'm Gettin' the Hang of It
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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 2)
325 xp
325 xp
Explorer (lvl 2)
690 xp
690 xp
Professor (lvl 1)
186 xp
186 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
135 xp
135 xp
About Me
As the resident gamer dad in my house, I play with my family, but also bring boardgames to the various youth groups I'm involved with. I like almost any type of game, including euros and so-called ameritrash. About the only game type I do not prefer, would be abstract strategy and highly complex-gazillion chit-war games (think ASL) . I like strong themes and well integrated mechanics. I don't mind a bit of randomness and asymmetric gameplay. I like role selection and co-ops.
I'm also an avid hobby designer and tinkerer.
Atlantis Rising
I’ve seen many people report that the game is either too hard or even impossible to beat. I agree that it’s not easy (a good thing IMO) and will require some perseverance and optimization that comes with experience, also both good things IMO. However having said that, the difficulty can put new players off from trying again. So to help you either learn or introduce the game, the designer (Galen Ciscell) actually suggested the following:
“you could make the game easier by starting with extra mystic energy, removing the Controlled Flood misfortunes, or starting the Athenians back further on the Attack Track. You could also try drawing a number of Misfortunes equal to the turn instead of the number of players (i.e. one misfortune on turn 1, two misfortunes on turn 2, etc.)”
I think it will help a lot if a player’s first impression is a positive one, in order to get the game back on the table. I highly recommend you make it easy on yourself the first time round. It will pay off on the long run, as there’s plenty of room for increasing the difficulty.
Good luck!