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I'm a Christian, gamer and I share the tabletop gaming hobby with my husband. Some of my favorite games include: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, Sentinels of the Multiverse, Arkham Horror, Lord of the Rings The Card Game, Mice and Mystics, Tales of Arabian Nights, Zombicide, Defenders of the Realm, Gears of War. There isn’t a game that I’m unwilling to try.
When I’m not gaming I like to create art (including painting minis), vacations to the beach, camping, and spending time with family and friends.
Cadwallon: City of Thieves
I have been eyeballing this game for awhile now. It was out of print when I first saw it but has since then been reprinted. I managed to pick the game up pretty cheap at a used game auction. I will forewarn you that I will be comparing this game to Adventurers:Pyramid of Horus.
Everyone chooses their gangs and takes their respective character cards and minis. Deal out 5 Arcana cards to everyone. Give everyone 7 action markers. Lay treasure on the board with treasure chest side up in every room. Once you laid the last treasure flip the tokens over to reveal the treasures underneath. Put the two militiamen in the buildings indicated in the rulebook. Choose your adventure sheet and follow any special set up instructions. Lay out 3 mission cards on the adventure sheet. Place the round marker on the “1” space on the adventure sheet. Roll to see who goes first then each person will take turns deploying (placing) their figures in the deployment spaces, see rule book for a diagram.
During your turn you will:
-Roll for a militaman to see if he moves
-Use the 7 actions to do the following: move 1 character, take 1 action with one character (characters can only have two actions and they can’t be the same action)
–Actions can include:locking picking, bashing open treasure chests, fighting other players, completing mission cards, and special actions noted on character cards.
-After the last player goes move the round marker
The game will continue in rounds until the “alarm” has been triggered by the round marker reaching the space denoted “alarm.” Everyone races to get their characters out of the city or maybe they might try to steal a little more treasure before leaving the city. Once the round marker reaches “End” the game is over. Any character still in the city has been caught and their treasure and ducats are discarded. Players count up their treasures and ducats to see who has the most to determine the winner.
-Excellent components
-Rulebook is well laid out and easy to understand
-Miniatures and artwork looks great
-Several adventure sheets increase the replayability
-Easy to learn
-Some of the characters special abilities are weak compared to others
I really enjoy Adventurers:Pyramid of Horus however I feel it lacks replayability. It’s pretty much the same game every time. Go into the pyramid and try to steal as much treasure as you can before you get trapped inside. I do like the game but it just gets old. If it wasn’t for my in-laws, who enjoy playing it, I would probably get rid of it. My husband and I just don’t play the game together because it is lacking that replaybility.
City of Thieves has the replayability going for it! The adventure sheets have different treasures that you have to steal different ways. You can of course ignore these treasures and just pick up the ones on the board too. I like the idea of stealing treasures and beating up on other gang members. The Arcana cards are really helpful in backstabbing your neighbor and they can benefit you greatly too. The character abilities are nice but some of them are a bit weak. Overall, this game has a lot going for it. It looks complicated but it really isn’t. The rulebook is laid out really well and explains things clearly. If you have played any Adventurers games check this game out, you just might it better. If you haven’t played any Adventurers games then skip them and check out City of Thieves instead.