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Zombicide: Toxic City Mall
One of the best things about Zombicide is that you’re able to tweak the difficulty to suit your needs. This is due to who you’re playing with and how you play. For my friend and I, we originally liked it to be as hard as possible as we seemed to be dominating, however as soon as a third person was added to the mix we found ourselves splitting up with a whole new side of competition between everyone instead of tactical cooperation.
To be honest, Toxic City Mall doesn’t add a whole lot more to the original. Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty to get you excited about, however the gameplay doesn’t change a whole heap as apparently it does with Season 2.
New zombies (with new cards) as well as new skills and a few new game mechanics (such as barricades and new buildings) is enough to make this worth getting if you’re a fan of Zombicide. The new element of toxicity makes it slightly harder considering you need to seriously stay away from the newer green models. If you’re not patient enough and try to fight zombies too early on in the game without decent weapons then the toxic zombies can be a serious problem, but otherwise aren’t too different from the original problems you encounter (such as reactivations).
Only half of the maps are playable without Season 2 (which I thought was odd) however the new tiles add a whole lot more of customization to maps and missions if you desire.
If you’re gonna buy this expasion for anything it will be the new survivors. After seeing the promotional characters online for ridiculous prices, buying this expansion for the 4 extra characters seems actually pretty worth it. The survivors you choose at the beginning of the game does in fact affect the entire mission so having more options is absolutely where players can feel like they’ve made good decisions and take more satisfaction away from this game.
The zombivivor mode is a cool little addition where if you die you still get to fight until you die… even more, however getting to the mode does feel a little disappointing since finishing with no wounded cards is a complete win in our eyes. And as always, there’s so many new rules which follow all the new content which, as you already know, can be time consuming looking up however since the Zombicide community is growing you can find what you’re looking for reasonably easily.
All-in-all definitely worth a buy before Season 2. Works as an expansion should so don’t expect massive changes, but enough changes to keep you excited about the game 🙂
Happy Zombie Hunting!