Ed Liming
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W00T, This avatar is from the actual card I sponsored in EmDo Kickstarter!
I own too many games. My name is Ed, and I'm a gamaholic...
Recent note...
Picked up Lancaster, Belfort and finally Eminent Domain. also grabbed Blood Bowl card game, and Elder Sign. Good Stuff...
Rune Age, Quarriors, Deadwood, Martian Dice,... All the stuff I brought home from Gen Con, wished I bought Blood Bowl and Elder Sign, both awesome, but didn't have the room
I’ll start of by saying I’m a fan of both of these designers. So when I found out that Mike Elliot and Eric Lang teamed up and created this game.,I was ready to get it (it was pretty much a sold copy). So when the doors opened at 10am on Thursday for the GenCon Main Floor, it was a bee-line to the WizKids booth to get in on a demo.
The rules are available to download, but here’s a summery:
Players start with 12 dice, use 6 per turn, roll and spend Quiddity for new dice to increase you pool in the bag. Bring out dudes to score glory if they can survive. Most glory wins.
It’s called a dice-building game. I loved Dominion when it came out, moved on to Thunderstone and Ascension (also a huge fan of the new Rune Age from FFG too, my other rock star purchase from GenCon). So I was really excited about this because it had 130 DICE! It brought back the feeling I had when Dragon Dice came out many years back.
Here are my thoughts (the review part), FWIW:
• The cards with the dice give it great replayability. It will be easy to expand this by just creating a new card for the specific dice. (as evident with the new announced expansion, 11 new creature cards for the dice in the core set). I’m looking forward to some creative fans to start making some home-brew cards. Get cracking now!
• I love chucking dice, this game has plenty of that.
• They call it a dice-building game, yeah, I see that, but this doesn’t feel like Dominion and such. It is it’s own creature. Everyone who has tried it and played other “deck-building” games has loved it, but says it has a different feel, which I think is good.
• Yes, it’s random, so what, it’s short enough that it doesn’t over-stay it’s welcome.
• Plays very different with the number of players. A 4 player game seems to be over before it gets started. Many have chatted about playing to 20 Glory instead of 12. We are going to try that next week, but I’m concerned it really won’t make that much of a difference.
• People have mentioned start player and culling dice are issues. I haven’t really seen it. Sometimes the dice roll you way, sometimes they don’t.
• The tin that the game comes it doesn’t make it very stackable when bring other games to game night. I could take it or leave it. When the expansion comes out, the tin will stay home when it travels
• The score markers are really close in color (blue and black). I replaced them with meeples that the colors are not as close
• The dice bag opening is kinda small for my fat hands, so you just shake out your six dice or scrunch the bag to grab from the bottom.
The bottom line is my group and I love this game and I will play it anytime someone wants too. Lots of dice, well-designed, excellent production from WizKids, I can’t wait for the new expansion for those demon dice and corrupt Quiddity. If you are not a fan of random dice games, pass on this. But if you are looking for a fun game where dice and combos are aplenty, pick this up. And 130 DICE!