gamer level 6
10164 xp
10164 xp
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The Bronze Heart
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Give 10 Bronze Hearts to games that you like.

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Give 250 hearts (loyalty points) to a single game

Cooperative Game Explorer
Explore 10 games in the Cooperative Games Collection. view the collection >
Explore 10 games in the Cooperative Games Collection. view the collection >

Expert Grader
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Grade 400 more reviews or tips by clicking "Yes" or "No" in response to the question "Was this helpful?"
Player Stats
Critic (lvl 2)
300 xp
300 xp
Explorer (lvl 3)
899 xp
899 xp
Professor (lvl 2)
416 xp
416 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
127 xp
127 xp
About Me
I have been learning to play Forbidden Island with my children. I also recently bought Ascending Empires and really like it. I really like learning and trying new games but don't know very many local gamers. Mostly play when I can get my kids to play. Sadly not often enough!
Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer
I had never played the boxed game of Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer, but the reviews always made it seem like a game I would like. When I got my Ipad it was one of the first games I purchased and I’m very glad I did.
I’m not going to go into the rules because they are readily available elsewhere. Ascension is a deck building game where you and your oppenent start with a small, but identical hand of cards and build a larger and hopefully powerful deck by the end of the game. But what I will say is that the game is filled with great artwork, and the presentation is probably the best I’ve seen in a boardgame to Ipad conversion.
It is also very easy to learn. I read through the instructions in less than 5 minutes and watched the tutorial which was very informative. I was able to play through my first game without having to refer back to the instructions at all. If you are not familiar with the concept of deck building it might take a little longer to fully grasp the game, but not to the point where you wouldn’t enjoy it.
I have onlyl played against the AI but you can also play against another live opponent or online. Very fun game with great graphics and sound effects!