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The Walking Dead Board Game: The Best Defense
(New evidence! - This review has been edited to reflect a game score of **6**, but the initial score cannot be altered. Updated comments at the end of the review.)
Welcome to another review from Bob Ball, Gametime Gumshoe.
Today’s “redhot” in question – Overview of the Game
The apocalypse has occurred, and you’re one of the survivors.
(I know – none of us expected you to make it, either.)
From the instruction manual:
Your objective: survive 12 rounds of zombie hordes trying to eat you, while at the same time protecting the resources at four different locations from seasons 2 & 3 of The Walking Dead TV show. Stay sharp, friends – because fiends are everywhere on today’s review from the from the Gametime Gumshoe.
“Just the facts, ma’am” – What’s in the box
◆ 100 resource cards
◆ 48 event cards
◆ 76 game tokens
◆ 6 oversize character cards
◆ 6 character pawns
◆ 4 pawn bases
◆ 1 badge of leadership
◆ 4 oversized location tiles
◆ 9 ulterior motive cards (for advanced play)
◆ 3 white six-sided dice
◆ 1 black three-sided die
◆ 1 rulebook
◆ 1 round tracking tile and token
Retail Price: $39.99
Scene of the Crime – Playing the Game
The game plays as many tower defense games do – you shuffle around the board protecting resources from the invading hordes. In this game, the hordes are zombies thirsting for human flesh.
It’s a cooperative game for 2-4 people (with instructions for solo play too, hermits).
I played a dozen games with three people using:
Standard Mode: if your Survivor dies, you continue playing with an unused Survivor
Beginner Difficulty: Event cards are face up on the table for unlimited cooperative planning
There’s also:
Hardcore Mode: if any Survivor dies, the game immediately ends and you lose
Expert Difficulty: Event cards are hidden from other players until played, and there is very little cooperative discussion
To start, the four location tiles are placed randomly in a rectangle making a game board (this really is a card game masquerading as a board game). One of the four resource card types (Allies, Ammunition, Food, and Equipment) are placed randomly next to one of the four location types. For example, The Prison may have Ammo, with The Highway having Food. Each location will only have one type of resource card.
Each player starts off with one Equipment card, two Allies, and two Food. One player (chosen by the highest die roll) will start off with the Badge of Leadership. Don’t get too excited, it just means you have to make bad choices first.
Leader’s turn:
1.) [Optional] You may move Survivors.
2.) [Optional] You may draw a Resource card from your Location.
3.) [Optional] You may trade one item with a Survivor at your Location.
4.) [Mandatory] Play both of your Event cards. (This is the “oh, crap” part of your turn.)
Non-Leader’s turn(s):
1.) [Optional] Defy the Leader’s movement of your character, costing you 1 Food.
2.) [Optional] Draw a Resource card at your Location.
3.) [Optional] Trade with a Survivor at your Location.
4.) [Mandatory] Play one of your Event cards.
Finally, you get to brain the zombies. Ranged weapon damage (from Shotguns, Rifles, and Crossbows) gets added together if the Survivors are at the same location. Melee weapons (Machete, Katana, and Metal Pipe) are separate from the group total.
You’ll get to roll six-sided dice equal to the number of Combat Dice noted on the weapon Equipment card. Every multiple of “5” kills one zombie at your location. Using Allies will modify your roll up 1 point per Ally used. Did you leave zombies alive? Well, they get their turn too…
End of round:
Each zombie on the board deals 1 damage.
Zombies deal damage to survivors first, then to the Resource deck at their location. If there is only one Survivor at a location with Walkers, the Walkers deal their collective damage to the Survivor. Multiple Survivors at a location will decide how to split up the damage amongst themselves. Once there are no Survivors the zombies deal damage to the Resource deck at the location, “eating” one Resource card for each point of damage. This is a good time to remember that there are only 25 Resource cards per deck. Keep them walkers off your Resource deck, yo.
At this point, surviving Survivors with 4 or fewer hit points may use 1 Food to regain 1 hit point. You can only use 1 Food per round to regain 1 hit point, so try to stay away from the bitey end of the Walkers.
Finally move the round tracker marker to the next round, pass the Badge of Leadership to the player on your left, and wash-rinse-repeat until you win or die.
Whodunnit? – Thoughts on the Game
Should you buy this game? Maybe. If you’re non-casual gamer partial to cooperative games this might be up your alley. Like me, you might want to go to your local game store and test play a demo copy before laying down hard cash on this. I like this game, but I don’t love it like some games I own. Having played it more than a dozen times and knowing what I know now, I would probably buy it again – but it wouldn’t be in heavy rotation. I’m rating it an 8, but it’s because I can’t give it a 7.5. It might be easier to learn than what my experience was, because the first two or three plays were very slow and very clunky. I may have to start playing variants soon as gameplay is becoming a little boring.
Pros vs Con(vict)s:
This game is pretty fun. Once you get used to the mechanics, you’ll start high-fiving each other after a successful round. You’ll come close to hugging if you win.
The artwork on the game cards, instruction manual, even down to the tokens are very high quality. Some people may prefer the comic book art but for someone who has only watched the TV show, the art really helps me connect with the game.
The operational mechanics of the cards is great. As a lone Survivor with the Machete as my weapon, I get a +3 to my Combat Dice roll. Why? If you think about it, I would be more apt to swing for the fences if I didn’t have to concern myself with hurting others around me. Does the card say that? Nope. But my brain is free to fill in the blanks. Love it.
My biggest gripe, and yes Cryptozoic – this is your fault, is the box and box insert. The box is huuuuuge compared to what you get inside. It’s a store shelf billboard trying to sell you on the fact that this is The Walking Dead game. I can’t fault them for that, but it’s a beast of a box to try to transport when all the components could easily fit in a box the size of Pandemic. And that insert! Whoever designed a beautiful looking insert that allows almost all of the cards inside slide around like a small tornado ripped through zombie town should get a boot on their car. I’m seriously going to look into a card container to fit inside the box to protect the cards. I’m also going to replace the very lightweight, very bouncy six-sided dice.
I’m more a fan of mechanics like in Pandemic or Forbidden Island that progressively get harder. In The Walking Dead: The Best Defense, the mechanics are random enough to doom you in the first or second turns, or be easy enough to not pose a challenge until later rounds. The most recent victory was won by pure chance that the event deck didn’t screw us over very much. The game right before that hosed us in the second round.
(Update 12/7/13: With about 20 plays under my belt of this game, the review score should be amended to **6**. This game is far too random in how punishing it is. Without a whole host of house rules to give players a fighting chance, a couple of bad cards and a bad die roll will end up with players looking for another game to entertain them. I won’t be pulling this game out voluntarily anymore.)
Bob Ball, Gametime Gumshoe
Voice actor at BobBallVO.com,
host of quiz show “PopQuizzical” on iTunes,
mental giant on game show “Word Rango” on iTunes