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What are you playing this weekend? (Dec 13)

Posted by Jim {Power Gamer} | 13-Dec-13 | 16 comments

It’s an upcoming games weekend for us. We’ll be taking Quarriors on the iPad for a spin, as well as Hollywood by Hobby World and The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug by Cryptozoic Entertainment.

What are you playing this weekend?

We’d also love to hear your thoughts on our current “Your Turn: Gaming for the Holidays” discussion.
Check it out >

Comments (16)

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I play purple
Explorer - Level 6
Cryptozoic Entertainment fan

Snow got in the way of an epic gaming day. Hopefully the weather will be better next month!

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I play yellow
Stone of the Sun

Didn’t get any gaming in on the weekend, but tonight we are teaching 7 Wonders and getting in a little of either the Resistance or Coup depending on how the group feels.

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Treasure Chest
Smash Up Fan
Platinum Supporter

A little Gloom, and starting the learning process for Legendary. It’s pretty fun so far.

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Canada Beta 2.0 Tester

Eldritch Horror and Zombicide Toxic City Mall. Lots of evil this weekend

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Mask of Agamemnon
The Gold Heart
Cooperative Game Explorer

I played Mtg.

King of Tokyo… very funny game.

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Eminent Domain Fan

I played King of tokyo! Never get tired about it! And with the power up expansion, even better! Can’t wait to get the Halloween expansion! 10 points for this game!

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Reviewed My First Game

With any luck Ticket to Ride (which we’ve recently rediscovered), Arkham Horror, and maybe another round of Space Estate from ’85.

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Miniature Painter
Stone of the Sun
I'm Completely Obsessed
Novice Advisor

Our copy of Sentinels of the Multiverse just arrived today, so we’re looking forward to playing quite a bit of that. And as the snow continues to fall outside, we may do little else besides play games this weekend! 🙂 Zpocalypse, and Ninja Versus Ninja will be in the mix as well, along with Krosmaster Arena – in anticipation of the Frigost Expansion and Krosmaster: Quest (check out the Krosmaster Arena discussion page if you want to know more, Account Deletion provided a very nice overview).

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I play red
Stone of the Sun

I just got Extreme Dangers, 2nd Story, and Urban Structures expansions for Flash Point. Hopefully, we can get a couple games of that in. If not, I hours I’ll be able to try Coup out.

-Enjoy Yourselves!

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My copy of Eldritch Horror should arrive Saturday. Hopefully I will give it a solo play during the latter part of the weekend.

With the family, I plan to get in a few games of Coup and Clue: The Great Museum Caper.

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My First Heart

Solo weekend, so just looks like Space Hulk:Death Angel for me, i may throw in some Onirim

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Z-Man Games fan

Looking forward to playing Tzolkin and Last Night on Earth with newly purchase Survival of the fittest. Got a gift card and looking real hard at picking up Eldritch Horror to play this weekend as well. Seems that everyone enjoys this new Fantasy Flight games release.

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Soccer Fan

Eldritch Horror (love it… have yet to win) and Lewis & Clark (first run)!

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South Africa

I’ve been playing Takenoko and loving it. Hoping to work in some Summoner Wars, then if /im lucky, a full family round of Ticket to Ride and a few hands of Fluxx. Oh – and I want to teach my kid to play Cheapass’s Fightball.

Gotta love being on holiday.

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Miniature Painter
Expert Advisor
Advanced Reviewer

Hosting Festivus Epic Game Day on Saturday. Hopefully Winter weather will not discourage attendees. Mage Knight Board Game, Resistance, Sentinels and Through the Ages amongst the expected list.

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Amateur Reviewer
Amateur Advisor

just more eldritch horror playtesting this weekend

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