gamer level 7
14687 xp
14687 xp
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The Silver Heart
Give 10 Silver Hearts to games that you fancy.
Give 10 Silver Hearts to games that you fancy.

Be loyal to the general Good. Give 25 hearts each to 10 different games.
Be loyal to the general Good. Give 25 hearts each to 10 different games.

I'm Completely Obsessed
Play a specific game 50 times
Play a specific game 50 times

Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »
Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »
Player Stats
Critic (lvl 1)
225 xp
225 xp
Explorer (lvl 3)
908 xp
908 xp
Professor (lvl 1)
187 xp
187 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
277 xp
277 xp
About Me
I'm a Christian, Jesus Christ lives in my heart. He is the most important thing in my life.
I love to play games with my family and friends. Games like:
Azul, Agricola, Hanabi, Bang, Shadows Over Camelot, Stockmarket, Ticket to Ride, Puerto Rico, Power Grid, The Farming Game, Bohnanza, Payday, Carcassonne, Ticket To Ride Card Game, Splendor, Patchwork.
I play Conezilla with my kids, best kid game yet. Also Animal Upon Animal, Sneaky Snacky Squirrel game, Skip Bo and Yahtzee.
Azul is one of my favorite games of all time.
For starters anyone can play. My four-year-old can play as well as my 64-year-old father who can whip my pants off with his strategy. The colors and the beauty of this game are just as delightful as the strategic gameplay.
Basically you’re drawing colors of tiles out of the center and placing them on your board appropriately in order to score the most points. The quicker you can score those points is usually better because not all players will let you continue on to the round you need in order to finish your lines to get bonuses.
The game is played between two players very well. The game can also be played with three or four players. The gameplay is different depending on how many players you have and their differing levels of strategy.
My husband is a very strategic Azul player and is always crunching numbers, he doesn’t enjoy playing with our sons who he calls “wildcards”, meaning he can’t predict what they will take because they don’t always take what’s best.
The game is easy to teach and even easier to play, and will delight strategic players as well as casual gamers. Everyone I have shared this game with has wanted to play again or even bought a copy for themselves.