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About Me
Have got about 40 games...from Discworld: Ankh morpok to Bootleggers...
Part of a group of friends who meet up pretty regularly to have some board game fun...
Also love board gaming with my 14yo boy (Walking Dead and everything zombie) and 12yo girl...and the wife,who just likes beating me!!!
Cheers Jammerdad
The Walking Dead: The Board Game
Hi all…
A friend was kind enough to lend me the Walking Dead board game…which was pristine,all cards still celophane
My son and myself had a couple of games today….
He won both…and loved it!!!…I lost both and didn’t!!!
Its a very simple game…
You start the game with 1 main character and 1 follower…you pool together all the dice on all you characters to create a dice pool.
You have to successfully go to 3 locations on the board…and you need to fulfill certain criteria,explained on each location card,they differ whether its your first,second or third location that you are getting…if you get 3 you win…:-)
Every time you move you have to put a zombie token down…now these are double sided…picture of zombie on one side,and mirrored except you have a number…could be up to 8!!!!.this is the number of zombies you need to fight when you land on the space…you put it number side down so no one knows how many….
You have to collect resources and you move onto a space with a resource on it…and then do an encounter…the encounter card does not need to be successful to get the resource…but some cards if you fail them stop you from collecting the rescource…you do 1 encounter per resource,so if 2 resources on a space…you do 2 encounter card….
If the resource space has a zombie counter on it,you must fight the zombies,then turn over 1 encounter card for each resource on the space.
Fighting zombies…if you land on a space..with a zombie token on…flip it to see how many zombies…you then roll your dice pool…
3 coloured dice with 3 symbols on each,red more zombies,green more caps,blue more wild(you can turn a wild into another side of the dice) again each dice has different totals…so some will have x2,x3 on various sides…
To kill zombies you must roll the same amount of zombies as are attacking you…if you roll less than you take the difference in fatigue points…3 fatigue,you’re dead…
Forgot to say that you start the game with 1 main character and 1 followers…but you can collect or loose followers during the game…
As I said I thought the game was OK…would definitely be better with more than 2 people playing…and you can play the game with 6,so maybe 1 to play when we have a big meet up…
This is a review of a game that I’ve only played twice,just did it to show what an easy game it is to pick up…I’m sure there are a couple of things I got wrong,sure someone will put me right…
Hope it helps a bit