gamer level 5
3273 xp
3273 xp
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Gamer - Level 5
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Novice Grader
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Grade 20 more reviews or tips by clicking "Yes" or "No" in response to the question "Was this helpful?"

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I Walk the Talk!
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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 1)
150 xp
150 xp
Explorer (lvl 1)
239 xp
239 xp
Professor (lvl 0)
90 xp
90 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
145 xp
145 xp
About Me
Currently playing a lot of King of Tokyo and Get Bit with 5-year old daughter, and on game 12 of 15 of Risk Legacy with semi-weekly gaming group.
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords (Base Set)
If you don’t want to mark up your cards as you level up your characters from game to game, Paizo provides free printable character sheets on their website that you can use instead.
They’re free, but you need to “purchase” them through the cart on their website to get them. They’re available at: