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Explore select games by completing a series of exploration actions. learn more »
Small World
Small World is all about taking land. The problem is there seems to be more people than land available, and that is where the conflict begins. Each player has a different race. These all possess different abilities as well as unique classes which are assigned randomly. All this allows for a game that is constantly changing and able to offer new experiences and challenges each time you play.
I found this game to be quite enjoyable. It has lots of variation…and lots of little cardboard pieces. The game does have a little bit of a setup time. Nothing as bad as Arkham Horror or anything, but just be aware of it. Even though you have tons of little cardboard pieces, they are pretty well done and the game provides a good way of sorting them and keeping them organized. Everything fits into it’s own compartment in the box which I was quite pleased with.
The game also provides 4 different maps. You get two double sided game boards. Each side corresponds to a 2 player game, 3 player game, 4 player game, or a 5 player game. This helps balance the game better than some games instead of trying to force a larger or smaller amount of players into something that it just doesn’t play as well with.
I just picked up this game recently but I have already played it multiple times and have really enjoyed every game. It’s not too heavy of a game, but it doesn’t feel like it skimps either. There is some light strategy and plenty of opportunity to use some smart tactics. There is very rarely a dull moment in the game as new races seem to always be moving in and out of the game and lands change ownership quite often.
Small World may not be my favorite game, but it has a good chance to see more table time than some of those. It’s not a bad setup, it has a good medium play time, it’s easy to teach and it’s just plain fun. I recommend this game to anyone that needs to fill a strategy gap in their game collection but just doesn’t feel like a multi-hour game or a set of complicated rules. Sometimes you just feel like destroying a hill troll with a flying halfling. Ooops, you forgot about the dragon master tritons. Goodbye halfling.