Cao Cao
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River Dragons
What Is It?
You probably read the summary before you looked at this review. Go look there for better details. In short, you select actions 5 at a time trying to get your villager from his island to the one across from him/her. You have to do things like lay stones, planks, walk, run, leap and summon the river dragon to help your cause.
Why does it work with the kiddies?
The game is a very simple concept, sets up quickly and very colourful. That in itself should draw in the little ones. There are no words so my daughter has been able to play it since she was four. Once they understand what all of the cards mean, they will be a formidable opponent. In my experience, kids will attack adults with River Dragons with EXTREME prejudice!
It is also a very tactile game. Where you lay your stones and planks is an important part of playing. Those little touches help get everyone involved.
But what about me, and the other mature adults in the group?
As mentioned elsewhere, there are definitely elements of Chinese Checkers and Robo Rally. This means that there’s a lot of opportunity for interaction and you’re frequently faced with the choice of playing for your own game, or running interference on someone else.
Since the kids are up to speed, the high interaction should allow for lots of fun re-playability. Your opponents will set the level of strategy, but there’s ample opportunity to mess with each other so it can get quite thinky or nasty. Since actions are revealed simultaneously the wait times are not bad at all.
This sounds too good to be true!
It’s not without it’s faults. It’s sort of cartoony and that may make it a hard sell if you’re pulling it out for adults. The simplicity may mean there’s only so many times that you want to play (at least until you’ve had some respite.) The planks are very fragile and it’s not uncommon for them to get knocked off of the stones throughout the game (especially by little hands.)
All in all though, I’ve really enjoyed pulling this out with the family. It is also a good warm up or gateway game. I recommend it for an fun light experience.