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227 xp
About Me
I have a relentless urge to buy games on a whim. My tastes change but am really into anything. My gaming group has started dwindling so I'm currently working on introducing new people into gaming.
The Spoils Trading Card Game
I am honestly suprised this game hasn’t become more popular. But I also bring that conclusion to the state of mind of most gamers and that is this; accessibility.
Gaming has reached the pinnacle that we had all hoped it would in our youth. But not for the reasons we had wished. Instead of getting more people for competition and relation it has come to elitism. And not in a good way. If doesn’t have a huge marketing campaign in every gaming store or website we see and doesn’t have reviews or people talking us into how to play before we buy it then why bother?
The Spoils I feel suffers from that. I’ve been into numerous game stores here in California asking about it and no one knows a thing. But bet your glass counters there are 20 kids with fresh carded, copy and paste decks they bought pre-constructed from some website that copied last year’s grand prix winners deck willing to play you for ante!
The Spoils I’ve experienced cuts that out. With the same card limits, but a larger deck requirment your synergy doesn’t mean squat. And the way the the turn sequence is played the game comes down now to strategy of the hands you’re dealt as opposed to what synergy you’ve read about online.
Sure there is probably something out there and I never understood the fascination with it. But it’s less likely to work. The fact your opponent has to be prepared during any point that you can attack, and you that he can respond, makes you seriously debate every potential play you make.
The game is built around more subtle playing of skills than synergy and exploitation, that it makes the game a bit more focused.