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Gain 2 followers
Gain 2 followers

I'm Completely Obsessed
Play a specific game 50 times
Play a specific game 50 times

I Walk the Talk!
Claim that you have played a game today by clicking the "Played Today!" button on a game page 100 times.
Claim that you have played a game today by clicking the "Played Today!" button on a game page 100 times.

Comment on your favorite LGS
Add a comment on your favorite local game store page to tell people what you like about your LGS.
Add a comment on your favorite local game store page to tell people what you like about your LGS.
Love Letter
Put the reference cards in the middle of the deck upside down. When you open the game you’ll see these cards and (if you’re like me) think why did I do that? Oh yeah, and remember that you should leave a card face-down for the person who’s out of court.
Alternatively, use the mnemonic to remind yourself that two-player games should have four cards (same # as the reference cards) face-down.