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I'm Gettin' the Hang of It
Claim that you have played a game today by clicking the "Played Today!" button on a game page 10 times.
Claim that you have played a game today by clicking the "Played Today!" button on a game page 10 times.

Rated 5 Games
Rate 5 games you have played.
Rate 5 games you have played.

Give 25 hearts (loyalty points) to a single game
Give 25 hearts (loyalty points) to a single game

Gain 2 followers
Gain 2 followers
Can't Stop
In my group, when someone completes a number column, everyone else is kicked out of that column, but they can start over and climb back up. The column is only locked for the player who owns it, and if someone else reaches the top, they steal it away and kick all the other players out, including the previous owner. This rule really ups the tension and humor later on in the game, especially when playing with more players.