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Dream Factory
There was a time when Knizia was churning out auction games, many of which went on to become legendary. Traumfabrik/Hollywood Blockbuster/Dream Factory may not be a top tier Knizia auction game like Ra, Modern Art or Medici, but I still consider it to be a lot of fun, easy to learn, providing a good challenge.
Players are movie moguls, putting together the perfect team of directors, cinematographers, actors, effects and music. In the original edition (which had real names), it was funny to see the improbable conditions that would result. Since the names have been fictionalized, some of that fun is gone, but it remains fairly similar.
The talent is acquired through simple auctions. Since you can see what movies other players are working on, you have plenty of information to go on, and the auctions can be intense. The different awards that are available will reward all types of combinations, even including very poor movies (for which the Reiner Knizia character, offering a negative one star, was very useful). And if you decide to go all in on an auction, you could be out of the running for quite a while, since all the money you spend gets distributed to your opponents.
The movie production theme is fun, and actually seems appropriate, making for one of Knizia’s most thematic works.